
Greek	Transliteration Key
a	alfa	a
#	alpha + iota sub	#
b	beta	b
g	gamma	g
d	delta	d
e	epsilon	e
z	zeta	z
h	eta	h
$	eta + iota sub	$
q	theta	q
i	iota	i
k	kappa	k
l	lamda	l
m	mu	m
n	nu	n
c	ksi	c
o	omicron	o
p	pi	p
r	rho	r
s	sigma	s
j	sigma final	j
t	tau	t
u	upsilon	u
f	phi	f
x	chi	x
y	psi	y
w	omega	w
%	omega + iota	%
a+	diaeresis	a+
a)	smooth breathing	a)
a(	rough breathing	a(
a/	acute accent	a/
a\	grave accent	a\
a=	circumflex acc.	a=
a@	macron	a@
aV	macron (wide)	aV
These are all of the basic characters. In the high-ASCII characters there are several more special character. Use the Character Map program in your Accessories group to see all of the available characters.

Greek Special Characters

There are a number of special characters in the High ASCII region for Sgreek. These character are either special characters or extra diacritical marks. The extra diacritical marks include combinations of the breathing marks and accents and different width diacritical marks for extra wide characters. The selection of these extra diacritical marks is automatic when text is pasted into an application from one of our other products (Bible Windows, TLG Workplace, or PHI Workplace).

Here is a listing of the special characters and

  LongVowel               	 '@' (alternate is 'V')
  Dagger                  	#128
  QuestionMark            	#129
  Asterisk                	#130
  Slash                   	#131
  ExclamationMark         	#132
  VertBar                 	#133
  EqualSign               	#134
  Ampersign               	#135
  LeftDbSquareBracket    	#136
  RightDbSquareBracket    	#137
  dbDagger                	#138
  paragraphSign           	#139
  PlusSign                	#140
  brokenVertbar           	#141
  dbVertbar               	#142
  apostrophe              	#143
  Colon                  	#153
  OversizedPeriod         	#154
  PercentSign             	#155
  Pound                   	#156
  LeftParen               	#158
  RightParen              	#159
  DiaersisAlone           	#160
  ElisionAlone            	#161
  AccuteAlone             	#162
  GraveAlone             	#163
  CircumflexAlone         	#164
  RoughAlone             	#165
  SmoothAlone            	#166
  NumericMarker           	#167
  Tilde                   	#170
  Cedilla                	#171
  ShortVowel              	#172
  DoubleSubscriptDot      	#173
  AlternateKoppa          	#177
  Stigma                  	#178
  Koppa                   	#179
  AlternateStigma         	#180
  Sampi                  	#181
  SigmaMedial      		#186
  SigmaFinal              	#187
  SigmaLunate             	#188
  RoughAccute             	#192
  RoughGrave              	#193
  RoughCircumflex         	#194
  SmoothAccute            	#195
  SmoothGrave             	#196
  SmoothCircumflex        	#197
  EnglishPound            	#198
  Cent                    	#199
  shortVertbar            	#200
(the over/under bar characters go before the modified character)
  OverBarChar             	#214
  OverBarCharNarrow     	#215
  OverBarCharWide       	#216
  UnderBarChar        		#217
  UnderBarCharNarrow   		#218
  UnderBarCharWide    		#219

Font Formats: Font ID: 46489

Directory: Non-Latin/Greek/Sgreek

This font is freeware. Copyright 1992 by Silver Mountain Software. All rights reserved. Silver Mountain Software 1029 Tanglewood Cedar Hill, TX 75104-3019 USA email: